Configure the editor appearance options Formatting - Tabs and Indents. tabs - smart - phpstorm set indentation to 4 spaces. Set the tab size and indents to 2 spaces and it should be done. I can not develop PHPStorm without automatic formatting. In PhpStorm 8, the option to set a minimum number of blank lines around fields was introduced. Podcast: We chat with Major League Hacking about all-nighters, cup stacking, and therapy dogs. For example, I prefer it to look like the following: 1. Code review Project management Integrations Actions Packages Security There is an "HTML" language setting but it does not affect XML formatting. Tag: netbeans,indentation (for Netbeans 8.0) Netbeans has separate indentation settings under Options->Editor->Formatting for some languages but not others.

PHPStorm indent code in the script tag, but plugin:vue/recommended points out this indent. There are tools/editors/IDE that will convert your tabs into spaces. Now I'd like to do the behavior in reverse, i.e. PhpStorm: How to separate PHP & HTML indentation. Intention Actions I have "Use tab character" checked under "Code Style" > "General" > "Default Indent Options". Controlling indentation of code being commented out. How can I fix the indentation (like “html tidy” … § Selecting or clearing the checkbox is relevant only when Braces placement in class declarations is set to End of line on the Wrapping and Braces tab. Shortcut key to indent a block of text with IdeaVim and Phpstorm (2) Without IdeaVim in PhpStorm, the tab key can be used to indent a selected block of text.

I lost all my settings but it seems to be working.I cannot control this. It worked fine but now it doesn't.ĮDIT: I tried uninstalling WebStorm (select DELETE SETTINGS AND CACHE in the uninstaller), I deleted the Prefs folder in regedit, I deleted JetBrains' folder in AppData/Roaming (basically I deleted every trace of JetBrains software both in the registry and in my files), and then I redownloaded the WebStorm 2021.2 installer and installed it again. I used this before and it worked but now it doesn't seem to work. Could Not Find C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.1\options\other.xml ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value., I did go to the registry editor myself and there is no phpstorm. Here's the console output: D:\MyDocuments\Desktop>renew.bat The system cannot find the file specified. Using Intellij 2021.1 and running this didn't work(I get the message about expired eval), the file can neither find a other.xml file nor a phpstorm in the registry.